Star wars the old republic operations
Star wars the old republic operations

star wars the old republic operations

Spacebar – Your Starship will maje a barrel roll.For the additional adjustments you can use W,A,S,D keyboard keys in combination with the mouse move. Use your mouse to move your Starship around the screen.Holding your Right Mouse Button down enables you to select up to 4 targets at once for missiles. Right Mouse Click – Fires your missiles.If you hold your Left Mouse Button down you will firing your blasters continuously. Left Mouse Click – Shoots your blasters.Every combat mission will put you on a pre-determined course towards your objective and you’ll maneuver your ship through obstacles and deal with enemies that cross your path within the allocated time frame. The Space Combat system in Star Wars: The Old Republic is designed in an arcade style game.

star wars the old republic operations

After completing the last class mission on your second planet, around level 16, you will receive your Starship and start your space combat adventures.

Star wars the old republic operations